
Thomas Pollet and Connor Malcolm

Northumbria University


January 30, 2022


June 19, 2023

A summary of the Bibliometrics document

Bibliometrics and Open Science Summary

This project has looked into several repositories of bilbiometric data from Scopus, Web of science, OSF, PURE and PLOS, to consider open science practices across Northumbria University.

In terms of total publications classified as Green open access for corresponding Northumbrian authors there are 738 publications, for none green open access there are 218.

Figure 1: Most productive authors, classified by number of publications, who publish Green Open Science.

This shows Northumbrian Authors who publish in journals which allow green open access, Stuart S being the most productive (in terms of number of publications).

Figure 2: Most productive authors, classified by number of publications, who do not publish green open access.

This shows Northumbrian Authors who publish in journals which are not green Open Access, FU YQ being the most productive (in terms of number of publications).

Figure 3: 25 Most popular green open access journals for publication, classified by Northumbrian authors.

As shown of the top 25 journals for green open access, PLOS ONE is the most popular publication with 25 total publications, followed by Buildings and Sensors with 9 each and then Journal of Criminal Law with 7.

Figure 4: 25 most popular none green open access journals for publication, classified by Northumbrian authors.

As shown above the top 25 journals for non green open access, Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security is the most popular publication with 12 total publications, followed by Critical Criminological Perspectives with 8 and Journal of Building Engineering with 5.

glm(formula = cited ~ green_or_not, family = binomial, data = full_oa_for_analysis)

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)    -0.1754     0.1587  -1.105   0.2690  
green_or_not1   0.3271     0.1688   1.937   0.0527 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 1903.1  on 1375  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1899.3  on 1374  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1903.3

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

As can be seen by the general linear model output. There is a difference in amount of citations between green publications and none green open access. Though not significant, green publications tend to have more publications with at least one citation.